On March 4 and 5, 2023, the Shree Janta Ma. Bi. Betha Bhawanipur, Dhangadhimai Municipality-2,Siraha, in Nepal, openly welcomed the Free Health & Wellness Camp organized by Apan Foundation/ApanCare, USA, in collaboration with Massé World and the Dhangadhimai Municipality.
Dhangadhimai Municipality is a municipality in Siraha District in Madhesh Province of eastern Nepal. The total population of Dhangadhimai Municipality is about 47,449. The healthcare system in this district is composed of a number of hospitals and healthcare posts. However, due to the lack of expert health professionals, appropriate tools and basic medical supply, a large number of people are not getting the proper healthcare services locally. Therefore, for a better healthcare solution, a great number of the travel to major cities, such as of Bihar (India) or the large metropolitan cities of Nepal.
Financial issues also contribute to the lack of proper healthcare treatment. Many people are unable to afford to visit other cities or afford medical care due to their financial situation. This problem is playing a significant role in the poor health of many in this community; and a majority of the health problems prevailing in this area affect women, children and elderlies. High rates of maternal, infant and child mortality caused by low coverage of maternal and children care services are some of the examples that indicate the poor health status of women and children in this area of Nepal. This is all due to the inadequate access to healthcare services for rural households, and limited community involvement in education, motivation, and promotion of essential healthcare services.
The Kick Off
Apan Foundation/ApanCare, USA founder & President Mr. Amit Pratap Shah is shown speaking during the opening ceremony of Free Health and Wellness Cap at local school (Janta Ma. Bi. Betha Bhawanipur, Dhangadhimai Municipality, Siraha, Nepal). Local government elected officials, including a Mayor, school teachers and medical team members were presented.
The superb collaboration that came about for this event brought about the support and help of various specialist’s medical providers; such as cranio-facial specialists, and dozens of medical support teams members including nurses, health assistance providers, other medical professionals, as well as many volunteers.
On March 4th, 2023, Amit Shah kicked off the activities by welcoming all participating organizations and centers who took their time and resources to provide meaningful help during the Free Health and Wellness Camp. He very clearly presented the purpose of the event and the need for every member of the community to benefit from the numerous services that were provided.
Over 2,700 people, including children of Dhangadhimai Municipality, received free medical services that they so desperately needed.
Through the partnership of several medical partners composed of Gynecologists, Orthopedics, Ophthalmologists, Dentists, Pediatricians, Radiologists, Pathologists, General Physicians), nurses, health assistance individuals, paramedicals and other volunteers, we were able to provide free health and wellness services to thousands of community members of the Dhangadhimai Municipality, Siraha, Nepal.
The photo below shows a medical professional explaining his finding in terms that were easy for the lady to understand. As the woman on the picture, many benefited from this service, as a better understanding of their low or blurry vision was provided to them after a thorough medical exam.
Here, this young man is asking questions to the medical professional after his screening, in order to have a better understanding of the findings. Calmly and patiently, the dedicated medical professional explained his findings and made sure that the young man clearly understood everything being explained.
Ultrasound and other laboratory tests, such as Blood tests and Urine tests, were a key operation to screen for underlining conditions, including assessing vitamin levels or other deficiencies in a person’s body.
People patiently awaiting their turn for medical screening.
Women were not excluded from the wellness camp, as many received PAP Smear Test for the prevention and screening of Cervical Cancer and other underlining conditions. In a single file, more than 100 women stood excited and curious about what awaited them during their screening.
March 5, 2023, marked a day of health and wellness awareness education day. The session conducted at local school drew the large participation of hundreds of students of the Dhangadhimai Municipality.
The curiosity, excitement, and engagement of the school age girls, showing the bright colors of their uniform could be noticed from afar. They stood proudly to show both their desire to learn, as well as their volunteer spirit by registering the members who attended the free clinic. They also demonstrated their commitment to their health by expressing their desire to be screened as well.
Our young school age voluntary members helping community members to register.
No children were left behind. In addition to their active learner and volunteer participation, 145 students received free pediatric health screening.
A Medical professional explaining to an attentive audience, the medical process that he is about to perform.
In addition to medical screening, we were also able to provide free preventive medications and other medical supplies that we received as donations for the Free health and Wellness Camp.
Health Screening & Services Report
This report provides the distinct medical services that were rendered on March 4th and 5th in Nepal during our Free Health and Wellness Camp. The report is organized by category and shows how many participants were treated in each category.
→ Wellness Teaching/School Health Awareness: 675
→ General Medicine Department: 510
→ Free Medicine Distribution: 442
→ Ophthalmology Department: 385
→ Dental/Oral Health: 107 + 75 (School Children)
→ Orthopedic Department: 154
→ Pediatric Department: 145
→ Gynecology Department: 141
→ Radiology/Ultrasound: 58
→ Laboratory Test (Blood/Urine): 31
→ PAP Smear Test (Cervical Cancer Screening): 14
Total screened participants: 2,737
Our Commitment toward the education of girls
While the purpose of our visit to Nepal was to provide medical assistance to communities in Nepal, our aim was also to encourage the education of girls, by encouraging their active participation in the learning process put in place by the free camp. Their enthusiastic support elevated the notion that providing adequate education for the girls is necessary for a well-functioning and thriving community; as the girls can contribute not only manually but also intellectually in the economic growth of both their community and their country.
Our endearing service to the community was key for the great success of this program. Our contribution in providing the best possible multi-specialty healthcare services that this community both needed and longed for was a powerful testimony of our shared mission to make the world a better place for all sorts of people, regardless of their background, color, religious beliefs, or social status. Our collective efforts will continue to bring us close to our shared vision: “Healthy People, Healthy World.”
Post Event Feedback
During our post event conversation with local government hospital medical team and elected officials, we received a warm welcome invitation to continue to grant our charitable spirit to Nepal. The participation turnout was an encouraging message to continue and further our collective efforts to serve needy populations. The successful pilot was key to ApanCare Telehealth Center to establish a center at a local government hospital. This enterprise received the support of dozens local health institutions healthcare workers as well as elected leaders and government officials. The local available resources, added to the partnership of Massé World and other global partners, will facilitate this joint enterprise and efforts to improve the health and wellness of many Nepalese and create a greater impact in the lives of those we serve.
ny thanks to all our volunteers, young and old who willingly committed their time, efforts and resources to make this program a great success in the Dhangadhimai Municipality, in Nepal.
We want to extend our deepest appreciation to Amit, his wife and beautiful children and our US team that made the long trip to Nepal to represent the humanitarian spirit of the United States of America.
Our sincere gratitude to Dhangadhimai Municipality Mayor Shiv Shankar Mahato and the entire team for their warm hospitality, accommodation arrangements and all the support needed to successfully organize the first ever Multi-Specialty Free Health & Wellness Camp; as well as hosting Telehealth Workshop with local healthcare professionals.
Thanks to a local Lions Club and to our many volunteers, we made a step closer to achieving our shared goal of improving the health and well-being of communities in need, including individuals with vitiligo and albinism.
Our camp medical coordinator Dr. Surya N. Shah
Hon. Mayor Shiv Shankar Mahato and other government officials.
Thank you to all our collaborating partners and local medical team members for their valuable time and presence to provide their expert healthcare services to thousands of needy people, free of cost.
The Takeaway
Our endearing service to the community was key for the grand success of this program. Our contribution in providing the best possible multi-specialty healthcare services that this community so desperately needed and longed for was a powerful testimony of our shared mission to make the world a better place for all sorts of people, regardless of their background, color, religious beliefs, or social status. Our collective efforts will continue to bring us closer to our shared vision: “Healthy People, Healthy World.”
We invite anyone interested in volunteering or just encouraging us in providing our services to their community, to donate, contact us or just give us a shout out on social media. We appreciate your comments and want to hear from you.
March 4 and 5, 2023 Free Health/Wellness Camp Report
On March 4 and 5, 2023, the Shree Janta Ma. Bi. Betha Bhawanipur, Dhangadhimai Municipality-2,Siraha, in Nepal, openly welcomed the Free Health & Wellness Camp organized by Apan Foundation/ApanCare, USA, in collaboration with Massé World and the Dhangadhimai Municipality.
Dhangadhimai Municipality is a municipality in Siraha District in Madhesh Province of eastern Nepal. The total population of Dhangadhimai Municipality is about 47,449. The healthcare system in this district is composed of a number of hospitals and healthcare posts. However, due to the lack of expert health professionals, appropriate tools and basic medical supply, a large number of people are not getting the proper healthcare services locally. Therefore, for a better healthcare solution, a great number of the travel to major cities, such as of Bihar (India) or the large metropolitan cities of Nepal.
Financial issues also contribute to the lack of proper healthcare treatment. Many people are unable to afford to visit other cities or afford medical care due to their financial situation. This problem is playing a significant role in the poor health of many in this community; and a majority of the health problems prevailing in this area affect women, children and elderlies. High rates of maternal, infant and child mortality caused by low coverage of maternal and children care services are some of the examples that indicate the poor health status of women and children in this area of Nepal. This is all due to the inadequate access to healthcare services for rural households, and limited community involvement in education, motivation, and promotion of essential healthcare services.
The Kick Off
Apan Foundation/ApanCare, USA founder & President Mr. Amit Pratap Shah is shown speaking during the opening ceremony of Free Health and Wellness Cap at local school (Janta Ma. Bi. Betha Bhawanipur, Dhangadhimai Municipality, Siraha, Nepal). Local government elected officials, including a Mayor, school teachers and medical team members were presented.
The superb collaboration that came about for this event brought about the support and help of various specialist’s medical providers; such as cranio-facial specialists, and dozens of medical support teams members including nurses, health assistance providers, other medical professionals, as well as many volunteers.
On March 4th, 2023, Amit Shah kicked off the activities by welcoming all participating organizations and centers who took their time and resources to provide meaningful help during the Free Health and Wellness Camp. He very clearly presented the purpose of the event and the need for every member of the community to benefit from the numerous services that were provided.
Over 2,700 people, including children of Dhangadhimai Municipality, received free medical services that they so desperately needed.
Through the partnership of several medical partners composed of Gynecologists, Orthopedics, Ophthalmologists, Dentists, Pediatricians, Radiologists, Pathologists, General Physicians), nurses, health assistance individuals, paramedicals and other volunteers, we were able to provide free health and wellness services to thousands of community members of the Dhangadhimai Municipality, Siraha, Nepal.
The photo below shows a medical professional explaining his finding in terms that were easy for the lady to understand. As the woman on the picture, many benefited from this service, as a better understanding of their low or blurry vision was provided to them after a thorough medical exam.
Here, this young man is asking questions to the medical professional after his screening, in order to have a better understanding of the findings. Calmly and patiently, the dedicated medical professional explained his findings and made sure that the young man clearly understood everything being explained.
Ultrasound and other laboratory tests, such as Blood tests and Urine tests, were a key operation to screen for underlining conditions, including assessing vitamin levels or other deficiencies in a person’s body.
People patiently awaiting their turn for medical screening.
Women were not excluded from the wellness camp, as many received PAP Smear Test for the prevention and screening of Cervical Cancer and other underlining conditions. In a single file, more than 100 women stood excited and curious about what awaited them during their screening.
March 5, 2023, marked a day of health and wellness awareness education day. The session conducted at local school drew the large participation of hundreds of students of the Dhangadhimai Municipality.
Our young school age voluntary members helping community members to register.
No children were left behind. In addition to their active learner and volunteer participation, 145 students received free pediatric health screening.
Health Screening & Services Report
This report provides the distinct medical services that were rendered on March 4th and 5th in Nepal during our Free Health and Wellness Camp. The report is organized by category and shows how many participants were treated in each category.
Total screened participants: 2,737
Our Commitment toward the education of girls
While the purpose of our visit to Nepal was to provide medical assistance to communities in Nepal, our aim was also to encourage the education of girls, by encouraging their active participation in the learning process put in place by the free camp. Their enthusiastic support elevated the notion that providing adequate education for the girls is necessary for a well-functioning and thriving community; as the girls can contribute not only manually but also intellectually in the economic growth of both their community and their country.
Our endearing service to the community was key for the great success of this program. Our contribution in providing the best possible multi-specialty healthcare services that this community both needed and longed for was a powerful testimony of our shared mission to make the world a better place for all sorts of people, regardless of their background, color, religious beliefs, or social status. Our collective efforts will continue to bring us close to our shared vision: “Healthy People, Healthy World.”
Post Event Feedback
During our post event conversation with local government hospital medical team and elected officials, we received a warm welcome invitation to continue to grant our charitable spirit to Nepal. The participation turnout was an encouraging message to continue and further our collective efforts to serve needy populations. The successful pilot was key to ApanCare Telehealth Center to establish a center at a local government hospital. This enterprise received the support of dozens local health institutions healthcare workers as well as elected leaders and government officials. The local available resources, added to the partnership of Massé World and other global partners, will facilitate this joint enterprise and efforts to improve the health and wellness of many Nepalese and create a greater impact in the lives of those we serve.
ny thanks to all our volunteers, young and old who willingly committed their time, efforts and resources to make this program a great success in the Dhangadhimai Municipality, in Nepal.
We want to extend our deepest appreciation to Amit, his wife and beautiful children and our US team that made the long trip to Nepal to represent the humanitarian spirit of the United States of America.
Our sincere gratitude to Dhangadhimai Municipality Mayor Shiv Shankar Mahato and the entire team for their warm hospitality, accommodation arrangements and all the support needed to successfully organize the first ever Multi-Specialty Free Health & Wellness Camp; as well as hosting Telehealth Workshop with local healthcare professionals.
Thank you to all our collaborating partners and local medical team members for their valuable time and presence to provide their expert healthcare services to thousands of needy people, free of cost.
The Takeaway
Our endearing service to the community was key for the grand success of this program. Our contribution in providing the best possible multi-specialty healthcare services that this community so desperately needed and longed for was a powerful testimony of our shared mission to make the world a better place for all sorts of people, regardless of their background, color, religious beliefs, or social status. Our collective efforts will continue to bring us closer to our shared vision: “Healthy People, Healthy World.”
We invite anyone interested in volunteering or just encouraging us in providing our services to their community, to donate, contact us or just give us a shout out on social media. We appreciate your comments and want to hear from you.
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