Vitiligo is a disease that causes areas of skin to lose color, resulting in spots and patches of lighter skin. Some people develop a few spots. Others have more widespread color loss. Dermatologists
Angel Fernandez The Evolution of an Angel At 27 years of age, Angel Antonio Fernandez, a Bronx (New York) native of Dominican descent, was diagnosed with vitiligo. Raised by a single mother, Maritza
Albinism: A Parent’s perspective Let ladies go first - Nathaniel While there are many challenges that we face, they are not insurmountable Albinism: A Parent’s perspective by Liz Grabowski It’s still dark
Audrey Krupala My name is Audrey Krupala and I am a wife, mother, friend, and realtor. I am 32 years old, and I have had vitiligo since I was 9 years old. Having
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